This web page was produced as an assignment for Genetics 677, an undergraduate course at UW-Madison.

Human Sequence of FoxO3

Human Protein sequence: NP_963853.1


There are several homologs to the human FoxO3 gene discovered through homologene.  Listed below are a few homologs including their mRNA and protein sequences.

Danio rerio (zebrafish)
forkhead box protein O3b
Protein sequence: NP_571160.1
mRNA sequence: NM_131085.1

Rattus norvegicus (rat)
forkhead box protein O3
Protein sequence: NP_001099865.1
mRNA sequence: NM_001106395.1

Mus musculus (mouse)
forkhead box protein O3
Protein sequence: NP_062714.1 
mRNA sequence: NM_019740.2

Phylogenetic Tree Analysis

Due to the length of the protein, I was only able to compare the homologous FoxO3 proteins using the T-COFFEE program of GeneBee.  As shown below, the human protein is more closely related to mouse and rat (abreviated Mus and Rattus respectively) than to the zebrafish (abreviated Danio).  These are expected results since proteins among mammals will be more comparable.

Protein Motifs and Domains

Using Pfam to investigate the domain of the FoxO3 protein, the allignment region was found to have a starting position of 160 and end position of 241 with an e-value of 3.9x10^-21.  The protein domain as described by Pfam is shown below.
Retrieved from
The FoxO3 protein domain was also investigated using the SMART database.  SMART determined the start position to be 155 and the end position to be 245 with an e-value of 1.30x10^-45.  The protein domain as described by SMART is shown below.

Retrieved from

3-D Structure

Retrieved from

Protein Interactions

Retrieved from

Katrina Hellenbrand
[email protected]
last updated 1/20/11